News Room
New Vertreat™ Wastewater Treatment Plant for Yukon
April 27, 2015
The Yukon Government and the City of Dawson have become the owners of a Vertreat™ facility that operates in one of Northwestern Canada’s remotest regions. On 24th March 2015, the Yukon Government issued the ‘Certificate of Acceptance Testing’ for Dawson City WWTP, indicating that the plant has successfully passed acceptance testing requirements, which is a key milestone in the life of the plant. The plant treats the nearly 1 billion litres of municipal wastewater that are discharged annually into the pristine Yukon River, an international waterway.
Vertreat™, or ‘Vertical Treatment’, is a high-rate activated sludge process that treats wastewater in an in-ground shaft reactor. The design is uniquely suited to Dawson’s challenging location and operating environment, which includes a footprint constrained site in a residential area, temperature extremes, a wide fluctuation between the city’s 1,500 resident population and its 60,000 seasonal visitors, and limited local resources.
The Vertreat™ designs are characterized by a very small footprint – allowing the plant to be enclosed and operated within the city environs – and an aeration efficiency that typically promotes an energy profile roughly 50% that of a conventional plant. The plant also features low odour and noise, and low operation and maintenance costs. The process train was designed with 100% redundancy in the event of equipment failure, for reliable operation at all times.
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