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Big Data Comes to NORAM
July 12, 2021
NORAM is excited to announce the launch of NORAM Analytics, a division focused on bringing cutting-edge machine learning solutions to the chemical and process industries. NORAM Analytics brings together engineering design experience and deep-learning technology to help improve the day-to- day operations of our industrial clients.
Operational plant data is increasingly recognized as a resource for enhancing productivity and competitiveness. Data, when combined with an insightful knowledge of the underlying processes, can be turned into a proprietary plant asset. As an example, NORAM Analytics built a deep learning model of a Huntsman Polyurethanes mononitrobenzene (MNB) plant in a recent study. The model identified a set of operating conditions that allow a 3% increase in production capacity, and a 20% reduction in the formation of nitrophenol by-products. A subsequent plant trial in February of this year amply bore out the predictions.
NORAM Analytics is offered as a service to a wide range of existing process industries that stand to benefit from the power of harvesting their data. It also represents another layer in the product offering to clients of NORAM’s proprietary plants and processes.
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